Fun facts about Oakville, Canada

An image of the Canadian flag, read about fun facts about Oakville.

The town of Oakville is one of the most desirable places to live in Canada. This small town of about 190,000 people has many things to offer to its inhabitants. So let learn some fun facts about Oakville, and if you find them intriguing, you can move cheap to Oakville.

One of the fun facts about Oakville is the location

Oakville has a perfect location. It is on Lake Ontario, and it is very close to Toronto and Hamilton. Because of the location, experts at think that this city is a very desirable place to live in for many people. You can have a quiet life here, away from the noise of Toronto or Hamilton. But you can get all the rewards of Toronto and Hamilton.

The first thing you can do is get a well-paying job in Toronto that has the possibility of promotion. The second reward of living in Oakville is the possibility of having a fun weekend in Toronto or Hamilton. And when everything is over, you can return to peace.

A phone with maps open
Because of Oakville’s location, you can reach Hamilton and Toronto fast.

Oakville is diverse

The second intriguing fact about Oakville is its diversity. About 30% percent of Oakville’s residents are minorities. South Asians are the largest minority group in the city. But there are many more minorities – Philippine, Japanese, African American.

Because of the diversity, citizens are open to newcomers and will accept any new citizens open-handed. You will also expand your worldview.

  • Diversity is one of the fun facts about Oakville because you can then have first-hand experiences with different cultures. 
  • Secondly, you can learn new and exciting things about how other people live their lives. And if you decide to move to Oakville, grab high-quality packing and moving supplies.
Gray photo of two people holding hands
One of the fun facts about Oakville is diversity, which makes people friendlier.

It is close to Niagara Falls

If you ever want to visit Niagara Falls and experience the full beauty of nature, you won’t have to drive long. You will only have to travel forty miles to get to Niagara Falls. It will take you an hour on average to reach them. You can be close to Niagara Fall and if you need help to settle in quickly and hassle-free local movers can help. They will pack your things safely and swiftly, and if you have some leftover belongings, they will provide you with reliable storage units.

Forth on our list of fun facts is tourism

Oakville is a desired tourist destination because of its proximity to Niagara Falls. Peak tourist season is in the summer. Because of the warm weather, tourists can go and visit Niagara Falls during the day and night. The second destination tourist like to visit is the Skylon Tower. From the top of the Skylon Tower, you can see Niagara Falls and Toronto.

Check out Oakville

If you like our fun facts about Oakville, check the town out. And if you decide to move this upcoming winter season, learn about the benefits of moving during winter. Good luck!


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